Good Bye New and Improved Sitemeter

First and foremost question – why I was using sitemeter?

Well, it was only because of its simplicity. Google analytics is also free and far superior then sitemeter but I never required that many details and charts. I just wanted to see the traffic stats for my site which is what old sitemeter provided me. Well not anymore…

Any of the reasons mentioned below might be true:

  • Get rid of as many accounts as possible as they might be in losses.
  • Bitten by web2.0 bug
  • They might have taken the decision to upgrade under heavy drugs. Any guesses (Cannabis, alcohol …)
  • They want to close down their site in near future.
  • Somebody they hired for upgrade is from rival company

I am using both premium and free service at sitemeter and I have to now find alternative for both. I am going to check and Any more alternatives…


  1. Apparently they received so much negative feedback that they’re rolling back to old Sitemeter (check their blog). In the meantime, I’m also looking for a new alternative, so I might not go back to Sitemeter even after the rolling-back is done.


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